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October 2024 Newsletter

October 2024: Happy Fall everyone! Winter is on its way.


First order of business: Please keep the victims of Hurricane Helene in your prayers and thoughts. They are dealing with devastation at a level that we can never imagine.




Big news: We’re hosting a fund-raiser and raffle on October 19, starting at 6:30pm. This will be at the ER Lions Club, and will include drawings for many prizes including the grand prize of $5,000 cash. There’s a better than 1 in 10 chance of winning one of the door prizes or the final cash prizes.


PLEASE, IF YOU BELIEVE IN THIS CAUSE, BUY A TICKET OR TWO AND COME TO THIS EVENT! Just go to, click the bright green button, and complete the purchase. Tickets are $200 each. We have beautiful gold tickets for you, and we can deliver them to you or leave them at the Will-Call booth.


Want to pay via cash or check? Just go to Trust Worthy Hardware or Cozy Interiors and buy your ticket in person.


***We can’t do this without you—our friends, families, and community. *** This event will also be a ton of fun, with food, music and a cash bar.

Tickets are $200 each. There is a limited number of tickets—250 in total will be sold, and once gone, there won’t be any more. ***Every 10th ticket drawn will win a prize, and the last ticket drawn from the bucket will win the grand prize of $5,000! Hence the name, Last Man Standing.




Eaglexit is forever grateful for all the support of time and money that you, our community of friends and family, have entrusted with us. We believe that with faith and commitment, we will succeed.

The last time we updated you on our progress, we told you we had written a petition, legal brief, and charters for the borough and school district. A year ago, we submitted them to the Local Boundary Commission (LBC). After an informal technical review and comments from the LBC staff, we went back to work. The great news is we have completed a new Charter with many improvements and have given it to our legal team for review.

Our goal is to resubmit the entire petition to the LBC for another technical review by the end of 2024. The LBC staff will then have a 45-day period to reevaluate the paperwork. If approved by staff, we would then present the petition to the five commissioners of the LBC for the formal process. That process is explained below.

  1. Informal Technical Review to staff only – all required documents, etc.

  2. If approved: We start the signature collection process. All parts of the petition (Charter, Transition Plan, Briefs, etc.) will be posted on our website for public scrutiny and review.

  3. We will have about one year to collect signatures.

  4. Submit for Formal Technical Review. LBC staff has 45 days to review and accept for filing.

  5. Once filed: Kicks off process (public notices, public comment period, etc.)

  6. During that time, the LBC staff will be holding informational public meetings to present the petition and talk about detachment. We and they welcome full participation from our community – we can't do this without you, after all. They make a good faith effort to reach out, facilitated by LBC staff. Looking for substantive comments, i.e. whether the charter provides accurate info.

  7. LBC: Preliminary report drafted, have opportunity to respond, etc.

  8. LBC: Draft final report.

  9. LBC: Schedule public hearing

  10. There is a period for reconsideration.

  11. Petition is Finalized

  12. If the petition, after all of this, is finalized and approved, we then go to ballot and vote! We as a community vote to either detach from Anchorage to become fully independent or stay part of the MOA.

As unpaid, grass-roots volunteers who have given our time and money to this effort, we are absolutely committed to the success of this project. But we can't do this alone. We need your ongoing help to pay for legal assistance, events, marketing materials, flyers, and more. If you believe in freedom, limited government, low taxes and better schools, please donate.

“Will the people of Chugiak-Eagle River have the opportunity to control their own destiny, or must they forever remain subject to what has been decreed for them by Anchorage?”

Lee Jordan, October 29, 1975,


It takes all of us!

Time – Get involved.

Effort – Share with friends and neighbors. Analyze - Review the Petition and Charter

Money – Please buy a ticket to the Last Man Standing raffle! Donate at

In Freedom,


Catherine Margolin Chair, Eaglexit

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