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Jan 2025 Newsletter

Happy New Year everyone! I hope your Christmas and New Year were filled with love, great food, and warm family gatherings.

Please keep the victims of the multiple tragedies of the Lahaina fires, Hurricane Helene, and now the fires in and around Los Angeles, in your thoughts and prayers. Thousands of civilians are mobilizing to assist with shelter and supplies. If you have a favorite group or organization, please donate to them to keep the love and care coming to these people who have lost everything.

"Whenever the people are well informed, they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights. " Thomas Jefferson to Richard Price, January 8, 1789

News and updates:

We have a new web site! Please check it out – As we complete our charter, transition plan, and the other documents we'll be uploading them to the new site. In the meantime, there's a lot of information on this site, it's easy to use, and we're super excited to present it to you. A HUGE thank you to Nicole Brown, one of our volunteers, who designed and built this website out of a desire to make a difference and contribute to the effort.

The charter is about 90% complete and we expect to wrap it up in February. The Transition Plan is also about 90% complete. We've added a whole new section on the on the division of assets and liabilities and, I believe, we can definitely show that this detachment will not cost the new borough anything. Both of these will be uploaded to the website in the Document section within the next 30-45 days.

COMING SOON: We have completed several audio podcasts and will be launching them to the public over the next few months. We also have started up a new marketing team, headed by Nani Palmer. She and her team will be upgrading our social media presence, creating new material. We'll have them available on Spotify and uploaded to our website.

The Next Town Hall:

Our next town hall meeting will be on Thursday, February 6, at the Chugiak/Eagle River Senior Center at 7 pm. Please join us for the latest update in our journey to freedom. We will be talking about our progress thus far, and the financial consequences of detachment. Sean Murphy will break down the financial analysis to show how we are proposing the assets and liabilities should be divided between the Anchorage municipality and the new Chugach Regional Borough.

To our members and donors:

Please consider supporting the creation of the next new borough in Alaska. As anticipated by our founders, when communities grow and are ready to become independent, it is right that they do so. It takes all of us. Alaska is ready for this!

Local Voices making Local Choices.

Donate at or use this QR Code

Thank you for joining us in this effort!


Catherine Margolin

Chair, Eaglexit


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