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Illustration which reads "Education" and includes graphics of various educational disciplines.

IF … you’re wanting to know why we need a new education model for our schools.

​IF… you’re wondering how we can afford to run our own school district.

​IF… you’d like to understand better what a charter school is

​and what a district of charter schools can look like.

​ You’ve come to the right place!

Why Change?

A smaller school district means local control – complete transparency with spending

and a strong education system encourages students how to think rather than what to

think. Our goal is to build a generation of smart, intelligent citizens who will want to

return to a strong community for the opportunities for themselves and their children.

What about the money?

The money question...can we afford it?





Where is the other $62 million going?

How can we afford not to separate from the MOA and ASD?


Per state law, our community is required to contribute almost 3 mills towards education; which would be a reduction of $21 million from our current situation with the MOA and ASD. Even with the reduced AD2 contributions, Eaglexit’s proposed budget would increase the amount of funding being used in benefit of AD2 teachers, students, and facilities. In step with the larger borough plan, Eaglexit plans to award  competitive contracts with local businesses to the maximum extend practicable to incentivize cost efficiency and quality performance so that the district administrative staff remains at a minimum.


Here are some of the highlights we anticipate with Eaglexit’s proposed education plan and budget:​


  • Increasing teacher wages suitable for independent retirement planning;

  • Long-term planning & saving for facility maintenance/repair;

  • Allow carry-over budgeting from one fiscal year to the next;

  • Contract with Reliant for bussing services; and etc.


*If you are a numbers person and would like to see the financial charts/spreadsheets prepared for Eaglexit,

you may access them in the Education Folder on the Documents Tab.


Education Funding Chart
Untitled (3).png

Letter of Intent

               It is our intent with this charter to above all else limit the powers of the School Board, the district Superintendent, and district administration in their duties and reach. The charter gives the greatest authority to the community of the CRB to control the direction of their school district, and the authority to decide the best educational models, and curricula for the students. The entire premise of the new district is to allow authority to flow up through the schools and community, to the Superintendent, and finally to the School Board.


               This district will be based upon the idea that parents have a choice to ensure their children the best possible chance to succeed in their education, and thus their future. With that, each school within the CSD will be a charter school, where the community will come together to decide upon what each individual school’s educational focus shall be. The district will have an open enrollment, with no boundaries. This will ensure that every child, no matter their socio-economic status, physical location, or family situation, can attend the school that is best suited to their needs. Each school’s focus will be to exceed the State Standards and Expectations. Our goal is to set the standards for districts across the country!


               The CSD will utilize contracted services wherever and whenever possible to streamline and run the district more efficiently. The CSD will be a district run by a School Board that will exist only for the benefit of the students, not for the betterment of its members. This will be done through a lifetime term limit of one, four-year term. The seats will be staggered every two years. The School Board members will be elected/selected from the LGCs, where their authority is grounded. The Superintendent’s authority will be derived from the community. The School Board will hire a Superintendent who will not have the authority, or autonomy of a traditional public-school Superintendent. Each charter school within the CSD will be a school founded by the stakeholders of the community (parents, school staff, and AD2 residents). Each school will have an Academic Policy Committee (APC) to see that the charter of the school is strictly followed. Each APC will hire the principal of their school, who will then in turn, hire the staff. The principal will continue to carry out the protection of the charter with their staff. It is our intent with the budget the CSD will have that we will pay our teachers a wage that will attract excellent teachers. With higher wages, we believe the teachers can then set up a better retirement for themselves because the State no longer is offering a worthwhile retirement plan. Along with the backing of a Faculty Senate, a collaborative teaching environment, the higher wages, the ability to set up a better retirement option, it is our hope that teachers will not feel the need to invite a union into the district.

               Full transparency is vital to this model for parents, collaboration, and competition. Each school will report through a district wide website, information vital to support full transparency to the community of the CRB. This information could include Standardized Test scores, class sizes, waitlist numbers, current disclosure of the school’s finances, including income, costs and savings, etc. Each school of the CSD will adhere to Federal, and State laws/regulations concerning the education of students with special needs, and/or highly gifted students as per the ADA and IDEA Acts.


               This document, like the Constitution of the United States, limits the responsibilities and duties of the participants. The regulations and procedures that individual schools decide, or regulations that the School Board deem necessary, are beyond our purview. The charter frames out a district that will reflect the wants and needs of a majority of the families of the CRB. We, the members of the CRB Education Committee looked at the world today and saw that there are many things that we could have addressed to curtail today’s social issues. By framing the charter the way we have, we have left it up to the community to continually decide in the future what current social issues they want to take on, or to vote upon. We cannot know what the future will hold for this community in the years ahead, so we cannot weigh the document down with social issues that in several years may no longer be relevant.


               If we address those within the charter, we are not allowing the residents of the CRB the opportunity to decide for themselves what is truly important for them.

Proposed Model for
CRB  School District

Diagram outlining proposed charter district structure

               A traditional school district works from a top down model, with dictates coming from upper management. This model is generally top heavy and expensive, and tends to ignore input from the community for their day-to-day decisions in running the district. We are proposing a 180-degree change that will involve the creation of a charter school district. In this model, most of the authority comes from the community—the parents and staff members of the schools.


               This is done through the formation of public charter schools that will be overseen by a parent/staff board called Academic Policy Committee (APC).


               The APC of each school hires the principal and then works with the principal to control the budget and maintain the charter of the school. Since the money follows the students, the schools manage funds from the State and Federal government, as well as local contributions.


               The staff members of the schools elect members to a Faculty Senate, who will act in an advisory role in grievance issues, much like a union would do, but without the monthly dues.


               The Superintendent, who is hired by the school board, will have a small administration on hand further reducing the power, and the cost to the district.


               When possible, the school district will use contractors to perform basic administration functions with the goal of reducing costs, including pay, retirement benefits and insurance costs. (The Eaglexit education committee is currently researching firms and the processes used by other school districts to determine how best to take advantage of this model.)


               The School Board will be elected from local governance commissions, will be more closely monitored, and can be recalled more easily if the community feels their member is not reflecting its values and goals. There will be term limits placed on the members of the School Board as well.


               We believe that with this proposed model, the district will be run more like an entrepreneurial enterprise or a private household. We anticipate that monies will be more wisely spent, funds can be continually put in reserve for the future needs of each school and the education of our youth.

Diagram of the number and grade level of schools in Anchorage Assembly District 2.


               We currently have twelve (12) elementary, two (2) middle, and two (2) high schools within AD2 for a total of sixteen (16) schools. There is a seventeenth (17th) school located on JBER, but it is currently closed and may not reopen; that will be determined by the folks on JBER. We see the  elementary schools coming online as charter schools first, and once the focus of each school has been determined, the middle and high schools can begin the process of conversion to the Charter model and extend those focuses into their programs. This slide gives examples of current charter school systems of different states. We can choose from these or find others that better fit the needs and desires of our community. This is an example to show how the programs could scale upward from elementary to high school.

A white girl with book bag and Alaska flag on a turquoise background

Follow this QR code to respond to a survey on charter schools. Please give us your thoughts and ideas

regarding charter schools, as well as any

educational themes you may want

for your child. We look forward

to hearing from you!

QR code for an Eaglexit Education Questionnaire.

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