We are a group of Municipality of Anchorage (MOA) Assembly District 2 (AD2) residents with the goal of detaching from the MOA and incorporating as a home rule borough called the Chugach Regional Borough (CRB). ​​​​​​​​​​​​​
MOA AD2 is comprised of JBER, Eagle River, Chugiak, Peters Creek, and Eklutna; which is roughly 18% of the total MOA population and 45% of current MOA lands. The idea of AD2 detaching from the MOA has been around for decades though appears to have more merit today than at any other time in Alaskan history.
AD2 residents voice in the Anchorage Assembly is generally ignored or even silenced; we receive increasingly diminished returns on our taxes; and the quality of our children's education is continually disintegrating. We believe that the advantages of detachment and local control over our community affairs (land use & planning, school district, public safety, public utilities, public works, etc.), increasingly outweigh the benefits of being part of the MOA.
We believe a smaller, more efficient home rule borough would allow AD2 residents’ voices to be heard and acted upon better than the present situation.
We also feel that a brand new school system, set up as a charter school district, will dramatically improve our students’ test scores and graduation rates, providing some competition for the Anchorage School District (ASD). Is this good? Absolutely! Competition almost always improves the products being offered to the public, and if ASD is forced to compete with a higher level of education in a neighboring district, they will rise to the challenge. Win-win for all.

What is Eaglexit?

What EaglExit is - Short

Assembly - Melissa - Short

Renee Scott Interview